Grade gelding
Born: 2015
14.1 hands
Arrival: Sept/Oct 2023
Under saddle.
Franklin is a kind and handsome gelding who came to us as a court seizure case along with Aretha. They both were emaciated and days away from death. But in the time they’ve been with us, they’ve both packed on the pounds and have been given a clean bill of health.
Franklin has come a long way in such a short time. He does very well with in-hand ground work and he has just begun learning skills under saddle. He’s still green and will require an intermediate to advanced rider who will ride him with soft hands and a soft bit.
So far Franklin has only been ridden in an indoor round pen at a basic walk/trot/canter, and he needs encouragement to complete gait transitions and yields. He also still needs to learn how to yield to leg/lateral movement (turn on hind, turn on fore, side pass). He's certainly one to watch as he progresses!